Shape Up Your Longevity

7 lifestyle changes that lead to a longer and healthier life span.

Healthy Life Balance

Create a balance of mind, body, and spirit.

Goal: Be plan-ful, create time to de-stress and replenish and learn.




The question is, how do we de-stress and replenish in this environment? Here are some ideas:

  1. Take a nap when your loved one sleeps. When I had my first child 30 years ago, a wise nurse told me, “You are still only going to get the same number of things done in a day as you did before the baby. What are you willing to let go of so you can take a nap when the baby sleeps?” It doesn’t matter how old the person is that you’re caring for, you still need to find the moments to take a break and replenish yourself.
  2. Call your local senior center to request you be added to the list of seniors who receive check-in calls, or ask about their caregiver support groups on the phone.
  3. Go to the Zoo. Many of the zoos, aquariums, and museums are offering virtual tours that are spectacular! You may also find your favorite musicians or performer performing live or a recorded concert.
  4. Find quiet moments. Find a book with inspirational daily readings, meditate or close your eyes and breathe in and out deeply for 10 breaths. Taking moments for self-care may be all you have, but just 30 seconds to two minutes several times a day can help you re-center.
  5. Therapy in a new era. Therapists and support groups are still available to us, just in a different way. My therapist friends remind me they are still available for calls and video sessions. Mental health and depression are taking hold of many of us, so please reach out if you are feeling overwhelmed.
  6. Prepare a Shut-In Bucket List. Some friends and I talked about finding ways to create good from the shutdown, so we decided to list the things we want to accomplish. Now we provide support to each other through reminders and progress check-ins. Piano and harp lessons are going strong with online lessons and You Tube; so are organizing photos, junk drawers, and piles of things ready for a new owner. I promise to take my paints out and to learn three songs on the ukulele before all of this is over!
  7. Turn off electronics. Thank God for the Internet during this time, but too much screen time can harm our sleep.
  8. Move a bit. I am sitting too much! We can still walk, garden, stretch or find a little spot on the floor for some yoga. Play your favorite music or sounds from nature to add to your experience.
  9. Laughter is still the best medicine. Every day at 5:00pm PST you can go to Facebook with Don Friesen for a nightly livestream of local comedians: Elf, the movie, might be good to watch right now – it’s a family favorite. Netflix and Rave offer ways to watch a show simultaneously with friends and have a side chat during the show.




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    Shape Up 7 Program

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    Online Education

    Visionary Aging

    With a Visionary Aging Plan, you plan ahead, stay in control and avoid a crisis.  Get started today by taking this short quiz.  Your answers will help you determine where you can start with your Visionary Aging Plan.

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    Visionary Aging Livestream

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